I am depressed :(

 I defineteley need to make a big change in my life.
 I feel i hate everything around me and nothing fulfills me anymore. I want to change almost everything: i will start with my look,i want to completely change my hair colour and i will do something also about the cut,but not something drastic.

 I will think for another kind of makeup and i already found what i exactly wanted: i will try to line my eyes in a rounded shape without to contour them also in the inner corners. Of course,i will not use just this makeup all the time,but i want to try new things .i have some pictures on the blog with it-and also this photo from this post it's the makeup i'm talking about but i will try to give them a more rounded shape.

  Next step: i want to find new passions and to do new things. I see i started to be interested about fashion again,i will try to concentrate more about it because i observed it has good effects on my spirit. I started to buy new things that i might never wear them but anyways sometimes shopping gives you a good disposition and this really happened the last time i went to shopping...i really like what i bought and that made me feel better.
 I will start painting and i also want to learn how to do it.I already tried to paint and it's a great way to relax.

 I will try to accept all the invites to go anywhere,these days i went in visit to some persons i didn't know and i realised visiting other homes and meeting new (warm) people filled me with a new energy and i felt more relaxed and happy. When i first heard to go there,i was so bored and lazy( as usual) but these visits made me to change my mood.

 The biggest change  i'm waiting and i hope will accomplish it's a new business that will make me happy but ,day by day i have more doubts about it's realisation and if this will fail,i will surely fall in a deep depression because i put all my hopes in it and i will have to start again from zero.
 I read that stupid horoscope..for fun of course,but i'd better don't do it anymore, because i've found myself in it,with lots of plans and dreams but it says are very low chances to accomplish. That made me more doubty because every time the bad things written in the horoscope happen  while the good things NEVER. But,anyways i put my hopes in God ,He is the One who will decide my future.

 I feel like a bird in a cage right now and if i will not escape soon,i think i will revenge on life and i don't know what i will do...

 I want a new life,with new things,with the job i desire ,to have other activities,i want to completely change the look of my house,i want to change the way i look and dress,everythingggg...i got bored about everything .My psychic is tired ,i don't react anymore at the beautiful things in life,i feel i 've lost my feelings and my energy but these new things will completely change me in a good way,because this is what i actually need: something new.
And i want springgggg,sun,flowers,heat,grass and to breath warm air.

  I think i suffer of sping fever and i'm also before menstruation so i'm a little depressed :D (or more..)

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