Facial mask with egg albumen and scrub with maize flour

 Scrub with maize flour and olive oil

 On your clean face, apply maize flour mixed with olive oil,if your face is very oily ,you can replace the oil with milk.
 Scrub your face ,chin,forehead and nose but avoid the zone under the eyes. 
 This will clean out the pores of blackhead and impurities and will remove the dead layer of skin from your face leaving it smooth and clean.
 Use gentle circular movements and be careful not to be too harsh and don't rub too much the skin because the maize flour can iritate your face -as any other solid scrub.
 After that,remove it with warm water. If you feel your face too oily,you can use toner.

 Facial mask with egg albumin and lemon

 Beat the albumin and add a little bit of lemon juice ,this mask is great for oily and mixed complexion. Until now,it's the best mask for my face. It will close your pores,will matify and whiten your complexion and it also has healing properties. Cleopatra always applied albumin at night.
 Albumin will form a film binding after dry and if you smile,your face will look too funny,like you have old skin. This is the sign that you can remove the mask. You can simply remove it with warm water.

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