All of us have stood inside of our mothers and taht creates a special relationship between us. The ombilical cordon is never rotten,i hate to hear about mothers separated by their children.
Our mothers are a treasure,as long as they live,we can still call us kids,even if you have 20,40 or 50 years old. Nothing can replace the care of a mother for her child and her unconditioned love.
An apparent innocent woman can become incredible powerful if she has to protect her son,it's incredible what a mother is able to do for her kids.
What we are now is thanks to our mothers,they form us,they mould our character,our behaviour ,they teach us the good things in life.
When we are little ,mothers are like a little God for us ,24 hours of 24 they work for us to make our life happy and easy. That's why we have to apprecciate these amazing creatures for dedicating their lifes to us.
Mothers are the same in all the cultures .In fact,most of the mother creatures -humans or animals act the same :both are protective,both become lions when their children are in danger and both feed us ,it's something instinctive that cannot be explained .
It's amazing to be a woman but you also have many responsibilities and duties.
If God decided that life start in our bodies,means we are special beings.
I know we are very complicated persons and hard to understand by men but that is what it makes us interesting. At least this day,I wish you -men to show your love for your beloved women in your life.
Please all of you ,if you read this post,offer a flower for your mother ,i don't know if all the countries celebrate this day ,but do this for your mum. You will make her happy...and she desreves that.
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