I don't have plastic surgeries !!!

   I've been asked and accused about having plastic surgeries.Well,i  have not even one.I don't know where these people live because i see they speak so easy about surgeries,as if they are like putting false lashes. I know in the United States and in the arab world it's something very common (unfortunetely) but that does not mean all the world is copying their exemple.

 I've honestely seen in my life i think just 2 persons in real life with plastic surgeries,the rest are just celebrities and i hope this domain will remain just for them because it's scary to see on the street too many strange faces.So for me this is not very common as is for others.I have nothing personal against those girls who want to look better or they have a complex....are lots who look better and natural after surgery and many who look worst,that's their problem how they want to look,so for me it's ok if they feel ok.

 Are some persons on internet ( just on internet it happened to be asked if i have plastic surgeries) who are obsessed about this thing and i don't mean just about me,i mean about any pretty girl on internet they say she is full of plastic,it's like they can't accept that somebody is beautiful so they have to insult her .If she's ugly they say she looks like hell,if she's beautiful ,what else can they say other than having lots of plastic surgeries? I'm really sorry for these people ....

 I find it amusing when i hear these things because my nose for exemple it's not even little ,it's just thin ,but it's very long so how can i have plastic surgery with such a nose?But people don't care to see also other parts of my face,they just throw with stupid words...
 I have lots of pictures where my nose look huge ,especially in close-up pictures but i learnt in which position to stay to look ok. Another trick i use,is taking pictures in the mirror(and then i cut the frames of it),that makes your face to look good,in fact as it is without to bulge it.(normal cameras usually bulge your face,especially the nose if you take close-up photos).

 My lips are really normal,if they are hydrated they can look good and a little plump,but if they are dry they can look very thin. All that "botox" from my lips is just a lipliner with whom i outline my lips and a lipstick. Poor Angelina Jolie,i understand now why everybody is accusing her of having botox in her lips,with such gorgeous and huge lips,some can't accept they are really natural.

  I don't have plastic surgery,i'm not a celebrity to need to look better,i like myself,i like long noses,i don't want to be a fake beauty (it's enough how much makeup i use lool),i prefer to be less beautiful but natural,i don't care how people see me,ugly or fake or beautiful ,i just wanted to clear that up .

 And by the way,if you think a young girl (so without wrinkles) can destroy her face and fill it with plastic,then you are out of your mind.

 It's enough to win or lose a few kilos so my face can change and anyways i'm in a continue changing so you might see me in many different styles (sometimes unrecognizeble).

 It's easy to be beautiful by correcting all your deffects,but more precious is when you are naturally beautiful.....and is no comparison between the two cases,the first is the work of the surgeon,the second is the work of God...but that is just the appeareance of the body,important is we all have a soul that belongs to God.

 I posted here a few screenshots from my public videos where you can see how long is my nose ( i prefered to use screenshots instead of pictures to eliminate any doubt about having used photoshop).

 You can see here my nose is long and natural(i know it's bad quality , is just 1 second when i turn my face so was hard to take a good screen capture-you can also see the first photo with my side face)

Frontal view- thin,short looking nose and normal lips

Here are 2 photos with my lips without makeup and with makeup (big difference but NO BOTOX) and by the way,they look so huge because of the close-up photo)

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